THE THICK PLOTTENS! Read this eleven page update from the start right here: https://crossedwires.irisjay.net/?comic=02-64
Thanks for being patient with this update, y’all! Couple promos:
- THE WAIT IS OVER. CROSSED WIRES VOLUME 1 BOOK IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR SALE ONLINE! If you’d like to purchase this beautiful, sizeable collection of Crossed Wires chapters 0 and 1 (PLUS plenty of bonus content), head on down to http://store.irisjay.net and snag you one!
- Over the next week or so I’ll be revamping the Crossed Wires/Iris Jay Patreon, so now’s a great time to jump on! My plan is to gear it more towards the production of shorter comic stories and comic essays over time, which is something I kind of miss doing now that I’m working on larger stuff. I’m freelancing full-time now (for serious), so if you like my work, please consider subscribing at http://patreon.com/irisjaycomics— every little bit helps!
- I also offer freelance administrative services for creators now! If you need your comic or prose edited, if you need your book laid out, if you need your system organized, if you need your Kickstarter put together, no matter what it is… why not come to someone with over a decade of experience in self-publishing and small business ownership? Webcomics are my specialty. Visit http://irisjay.net/superadmin for more information and to request a quote.
- I also have a project with my husband Nero O’Reilly going public soon! Can’t say anything yet, but stay tuned, readers…
Just read the comic from start to finish, so damn good!
Just figured out thats what he’s seeing in the second panel, not what’s on the chart!
Wow, he’s real messed up.
To be fair, I know a lot of people who react like that when they see The Price Is Right even without getting their faces stabbed by mysterious twins.